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Miniaturized glass cell vacuum chamber with an integrated atom chip for experiments with atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. SiN membrane oscillator embedded in a phononic bandgap structure for optomechanics experiments.
Eine Publikation der Binkert Medien AG. Swiss Professional Media AG übernimmt die Binkert Medien AG. Die Swiss Professional Media AG in Basel erwirbt rückwirkend auf den 1. Januar 2018 sämtliche Aktien der Binkert Medien AG in Laufenburg. Beide Unternehmungen sehen in diesem Zusammenschluss Synergien, welche sich für die weitere Entwicklung der von ihnen herausgegebenen Fachzeitschriften positiv auswirken sollten.
What is CETOP doing? What is fluid power? Further questions on fluid power? List of Technical Magazines. List of Universities, Polytechnic Universities, etc. What is CETOP doing? CETOP provides support for its members in many different ways. Statistics and news for CETOP Members.
Eine Publikation der Binkert Medien AG.
MACS - A Research Project for Exploring and Exploiting the Concept of Affordances for Robot Control. But what are the alternatives? This project web site offers you the results of the MACS project, including the list of project publications and public deliverables, a link to an extensive online bibliography on affordance-related research, videos from the experiments, a list of events that we organized or attended, and more.
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